The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) closed Thursday in the green, with the benchmark KSE-100 index gaining 80.61 points, or 0.16 per cent, by the close of trading to reach 49,062.
Stocks of 92 indexed companies were traded in the session, with volumes touching 113.78 million and a total worth of nearly Rs9.33 billion. Of the 92 scrips traded, 43 advanced, 45 declined, while 4 remained unchanged.
"Trading at the local bourse remained choppy," said Hammad Aman, analyst at Topline Securities. "The KSE-100 opened negative, down 500 points as investors waited for an update on the Panama case. Further, there were a series of blasts heard in Lahore which also aggravated sentiments."
"However, the market recovered from its lows as the Panama case hearing concluded with the court stating that no short order would be issued on the matter," Aman continued. "This led market to close up by 80 points or 0.16% at 49,062 level."
Overall, 266.17 million shares were traded on the PSX, with a total worth of nearly Rs13.03bn. Stocks of 387 companies were traded on the exchange, of which 158 gained in value, 212 declined and 17 remained unchanged.
Volumes were led by:
- K-Electric Ltd.: 19.62m shares traded (+1.04%);
- Aisha Steel Mill: 19.41m shares traded (+1.32%);
- Power Cement Ltd.: 15.27m shares traded (-1.17%);
- TRG Pak Ltd: 13.98m shares traded (+2.06%); and,
- Sui South Gas: 10.93m shares traded (+3.55%).
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